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servus & salam

On Sunday the video and photo-exhibition "Servus and Salam - An Insight Iran" open at a Munich church. During his one-year long odyssee through the country, the producer and video-artist Dominik Fuhrmann had collected really amazing pictures of landscapes, people and sceneries. They all left the visitors with the impression to have seen something that is usually ignored by the official media and political reports. Big thanks to this young German film-maker for his excellent work. The exhibition will be open till August 15th 2012 at Maximillian church (just a few meters away from the Isar riverside, about 3 km upstream from the place where peoples use to have a camp fire).

صندلی‌های پر کلیسای سنت ماکسی‌میلیان مونیخ در شب افتتاحیه نشان از استقبال گرم آلمانی‌ها و ایرانی‌ها داشت

During the vernisage of the exhibition, one of the most famous persian (sufi ?) dancers, his derwish highness Mr. Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam, gave a mindblowing presentation of his arts.

شاهرخ مشکین قلم، هنرمند پرآوازه ایرانی زمانی که از اجرای چنین نمایشگاهی با خبر می‌شود، آمادگی خود را برای اجرای برنامه‌ای بدون دریافت هزینه در شب افتتاحیه اعلام می‌کند

شاهرخ مشکین قلم به بندیکت می‌گوید چون «در پی ارائه تصویری انسانی از میهنش است» او نیز حاضر به همراهی با وی است.

And Hadi Alizadeh, famous for his percussion music, filled the catholic church with a quite unorthodox sound.
هادی علیزاده دیگر هنرمند ایرانی از اجراکنندگان برنامه در شب افتتاحیه نمایشگاه \"نگاهی به ایران\" در کلیسای سنت ماکسی‌میلیان مونیخ بود.

At the beginning, however, there was a sort of "sales-fair" of several world religions. Buddhists, Moslems, Jews, Catholics and even some Bahai all got a 15 min slot to present their faith. It never was so obvious to me that all these religions are mainly interested in attracting new followers, and distracting them from the competitor faith. And I have to say:  For me they all used the same empty words. In particular if the issue of an open terrorist regime like the one in Tehran was ever present. A regime that not only oppresses, tortures and kills every political opposition or ever free intellectual spirit, but that is equally dictatorian and intolerant against people of other faith (in particular the Bahai, which are systematically arrested and sentenced to death by the Ahmadenijad regime).
I had a bit a problem, how acceptible it is to show beautiful picture of a beautiful country and its sympathic people, but without mentioning anything about the gouvernment, that has occupied this country, tortures its free spirit with a awful, inhuman islamo-fascist ideology and keeps the best people in virtual political hostage.

رانی ادری، گرافیست اسرائیلی و مبتکر کمیین \"اسرائیل ایران را دوست دارد\"، نیز وقتی از هدف  بندیکت برای نشان دادن تصاویری از زندگی مردم ایران آگاه می‌شود، به او می‌گوید که هر دو در یک راه قدم برداشته‌اند و می‌پذیرد که برای افتتاح نمایشگاه از تل آویو به مونیخ سفر ‌کند.

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